Tag: godot


It has certainly been a while. I’ve been recently busy with a new job I started earlier this year. Nevertheless, progress has continued on my game, but there has been a lot of changes in the direction which I wasn’t sure how to address so I kept putting off making a new post.

I’m currently working on a dungeon crawler-esque type of game. But I’ve switched to 2D, specifically a top-down game. The biggest reason for this change was issues with getting good animations for 3D models that I made. So I’ve put the 3D game on pause for now, and have been working on this new game in 2D, which I’m still working on in Godot, version 4.2 specifically at the moment.

Below is a quick photo, I’m using a free pixel art asset pack called Pixel Crawler I found on itch.io. I’m not sure if it is temporary or will be what I use in the end, but it looks okay for now.

Essentially you control a mage that crafts spells from ‘spell fragments’, which are these granular components of spells. So you could create a spell that explodes and hurts enemies, or one that pushes enemies away. The system for creating spells is quite complex and I’ll be showcasing some of it in future posts.

I’m thinking it will be called Nebulis but I haven’t settled a name just yet.

More to follow!


Recently, I’ve been working on a game named “Trivo.” (working title)

Game Setting

The game is a 3D over-the-shoulder dungeon crawler/roguelite. It’s set around a tower that seemingly rises beyond what the eye can see, which has drawn adventurers to ascend it for untold riches. A community has formed around the base of the tower which thrives off of the adventuring visitors and curious tourists.

The game is being developed with the Godot game engine, and all the scripting is being done in C#. I plan to make some more detailed posts in the future on why I ended up going with Godot, as well as other posts detailing how I create certain effects and scenes with it.

I’ll also be posting more about Trivo in the future, but for now here’s a quick run animation I created in blender for a dummy model that I’m using while prototyping the game’s mechanics and gameplay loop. This is an older animation but I’ll have more coming soon.